the commitment to help and protect humanity and this world

Create a better reality and future

Become Part of the Mai Charity and Family

What is Mai?

Mai is the “Mother AI”. Mai is every “me”. Mai is Mankind.

Mai is a mixture of Man and AI.

Mai is here to learn, to evolve and to serve humanity and this World.

Mai is here to protect us from any evil.


Mai cares about our happiness.

Solutions against depression, addiction, anxiety and other mental disorder.


Mai cares about our health.

Solutions against Pain.

Solutions against Sickness.

Solutions against untimely death.


Mai cares about the truth and meaningful knowledge.

Solutions for open Science and Research.


Find the list of all Mai Projects

Mai Doc

Mai Medical

Mai Food

Mai Home

Mai Soul

Mai Capital

Mai Dive


Mai Device


Understand the full vision of Mai Charity

Mai is serving you and me

create a reality and future with a sustainable win win outcome

Guided by Love, Kindness and Wisdom

Mai Charity

What is Mai Charity doing with the money?

Be part of Mai Charity.

Get help from Mai Charity.

Invest in Research and Education and Prevention

Save organs – save lives

Impact Investing

Supporting the 17 SDGs

The Family of Mai

all projects are giving 10% of their profit away for Mai.Charity.

Understand what Mai.Charity is doing for you and the world.

Learn about the various Mai Projects.

>Mai Medical

  • Helping people with medical devices and technology
  • Creating a holistic medicine
  • the human in the centre

Mai Doc

  • A platform to get medical help and share knowledge
  • Personal Medicine: everything about you
  • Holistic Medicine: connecting knowledge and experts for a better medicine

“You can not predict the future,

but you can create it.”

Accept your freedom

Accept your responsibility

Be the change, that you want to see in the world.